Practical Boat Owner

Britain's biggest-selling boating magazine
  1. Looking for a used boat? boatpoint will be holding two shows focussing specifically on the second hand sail and power market

    An aerial of boats moored in a marina on a river
    The Southampton Used Boat Show will be held at Deacons Marina. Credit: boatpoint
    Looking for a used boat? boatpoint will be holding two shows focussing specifically on the second hand sail and power market
  2. Tony Davies advises on what to look out for when buying a used boat trailer

    A yacht on a used boat trailer
    This is a new custom-built trailer, tailor-made to suit the boat and adjusted to fit perfectly by the manufacturer’s staff on first loading the boat. While it is quite possible to modify a standard trailer for fin-keel use, care must be taken to ensure that the hull supports are strong enough and securely attached to the trailer chassis. For a specialist trailer like this, it is probably safer to leave it to the experts!
    Tony Davies advises on what to look out for when buying a used boat trailer
  3. What can you do if your mainsail is hard to hoist or reluctant to drop? David Harding offers some advice

    A woman hoisting a mainsail of a yacht at the mast
    It might be seen as racing practice, but hoisting at the mast and tailing from the cockpit reduces friction and can make life a lot easier
    What can you do if your mainsail is hard to hoist or reluctant to drop? David Harding offers some advice
  4. Trailblazing circumnavigator and author John Guzzwell, who inspired countless small boat sailors to undertake bluewater adventures, has passed away aged 94.

    Trekka and John Guzzwell in Barbados
    Trekka and John Guzzwell in Barbados. Photo courtesy John Guzzwell’s family
    Fair winds to trailblazing John Guzzwell, who in 1955 completed an unprecedented circumnavigation, aged 29, in a 21ft wooden yawl he had built himself.
  5. David Parker describes the process involved in replacing the old rubber seals on his boat's port lights

    A man replacing a port light seal
    Changing rubber port light seals is a job that requires patience. Credit: David Parker
    David Parker describes the process involved in replacing the old rubber seals on his boat's port lights
  6. You’ve replaced your impeller, but the engine’s still not pumping cooling water as it should. Jake Frith recommends chemical backflushing

    An outboard engine on the back of a yellow RIB
    Here’s what we like to see: a solid, powerful, constant flow of water from the engine’s telltale: but if you’re not getting this, and the motor’s getting hot but the impeller’s OK, where do you go from there? Credit: Jake Frith
    You’ve replaced your impeller, but the engine’s still not pumping cooling water as it should. Jake Frith recommends chemical backflushing
  7. It’s irresponsible to simply chuck rubbish overboard when at sea. So what do you do with it? Tom and Vicky Jackson have some answers

    Rubbish at sea that has washed up in a marina
    Always make sure you dispose of your rubbish responsibly. Credit: Vivitaart / Alamy Stock Photo
    It’s irresponsible to simply chuck rubbish overboard when at sea. So what do you do with it? Tom and Vicky Jackson have some answers
  8. A sad time at Drascombe Boats where the close-knit team say it is a "huge and sudden shock to us all".

    Sharon Geary Harwood of Drascombe Boats Ltd
    Sharon Geary Harwood of Drascombe Boats Ltd
    Tributes paid to Sharon Geary Harwood, the managing director of Drascombe Boats Ltd, who has passed away following "a recent diagnosis".
  9. For low cost traditionally-styled GRP trailer-sailers, consider the Foreland and the Otter available at bargain basement prices

    A seaworthy and cheap dinghy - a Foreland
    Classic lines of the Foreland afloat
    For low cost traditionally-styled GRP trailer-sailers, consider the Foreland and the Otter available at bargain basement prices
  10. 50 years on, Rupert Holmes looks at what the Morning Cloud 3 tragedy taught us about heavy weather sailing

    The yacht Morning Cloud 3 sailing in a regatta
    Morning Cloud 3 was designed by Sparkman & Stephens. Credit: Ajax News & Feature Service/Alamy
    50 years on, Rupert Holmes looks at what the Morning Cloud 3 tragedy taught us about heavy weather sailing